
Below is an extensive collection of my articles, from publications around the world. Choose what you’d like to read and click on the title.  A new window will open with each clip. (Most samples are in PDF format. If you do not already have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download it here.)

My Year in Museums blog. In 2017 I decided to spend a year writing about one of my passions. That year hasn’t ended…

“Talking to the Folks in the Spirit World.” Amsterdam Weekly,  2 – 8 June 2004.
Amsterdam’s modern mediums and psychics and the man who trains them.  (cover)

The Mouth.” Amsterdam Weekly, September – December 2008
Not your usual weekly restaurant review column.

“Going it Alone.” The Foreign Exchange. 9 December 2006.
If you’re a female expat, here’s how to make the most of your experience.

“Better Luck Next Year.” Roundabout Magazine, December 2006.
This 2007 guide to the best museums in The Netherlands just might hold some surprises.

“The World of TEFAF Welcomes You.” Roundabout Magazine, February 2006.
A pauper’s guide to the art fair that regularly hawks Rembrandts.

This Year, You WILL Go!”  Roundabout Magazine, October/November 2006.
Insider’s guide to the Crossing Border Festival, a hip lit and music mash-up in The Hague. (cover)

Travel Report: Amsterdam.” Passport Newsletter, June 2006.
Neighborhood walks, just one section of an extensive guide to luxury Amsterdam.

“Why I’m Not Learning Swiss-German.” CentrePoint Magazine, Spring 2009.
A humbling essay on linguistic skills for a Swiss expat journal.

“The Princess and the Pee.”
Amsterdam Weekly, 1 – 7 June 2006.
Testing the P-Mate, a personal urination device that lets women stand up and, um, pee.

“Safety in Numbers. Pt 1 & Pt 2Canon Professional Services Electronic Magazine,
Conversations with photographers about the pros and cons of agency relationships.

 “Everywhere. And a Little of Everything.” Roundabout Magazine, June/July 2006.
Terschelling’s Oerol Festival, one of the most unusual arts festivals in Europe. (cover)

“Once Upon a Time in New York City.” Amsterdam Weekly, 14 – 20 September 2006.
Preview of Walfred Moisio photography exhibit.

What a Concept!” Amsterdam Weekly, 10 – 16 July 2008.
Three new dining ventures delve into the realm of darkness, the inner mind and sugar.

“Travel Report: Kenai  Peninsula.” Passport Newsletter, June 2007.
Exploring Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula with luxury in mind.

“I Got Jesus in my Head and my Heart.” Amsterdam Weekly, 31 August – 4 September 2006.
Profile of the man who put the dirty in Dirty Gospel, Reverend Vince Anderson.

Homeland Security.” TimeOut Amsterdam, November 2008.
Shopping the Silk Road to Down Under – all in Amsterdam.

“A-D-M-I-R-A-L-S!” Amsterdam Weekly, 27 October – 2 November 2005.
Exploring the cat-eat-cat world of professional cheerleading.

“Crack Addicts” Amsterdam Weekly, 10 – 16 March 2004.
Low riders, bicycling and cell phones – a dangerous combination. (cover)

“The Big Time is Where You Make It.” Roundabout Magazine, April/May 2006.
Profile of American comedian Rob AndristPlourde of Boom Chicago.

“Sorting Through the Stacks.”Roundabout Magazine, December 2005.
An introduction and guide to contemporary Dutch Literature. (cover)

“Invasion of the Dutch Designers.” Roundabout Magazine, April/May 2006.
Architecture, housewares, furniture, fashion, postage stamps – the Dutch do it all. (cover)

“Holland’s Dirty Secret.” Expats Magazine, February/March 2003.
Getting dirty doing the Wadlopen — mudwalking to see some of Holland’s finest nature.

“A Long Musical Road.” Roundabout Magazine,June/July 2006.
Profile of American director/choreographer John Yost.

 “You Never Forget How to Ride a Bike.” Dutch Ministry of Tourism,
Monthly column I wrote from 1999- 2001. Rated G, for families visiting Holland.

“Noble Alfred Meets Alfred Nobel.” World of Heineken, November 2005.
Interviews with Nobel Prize winners who had previously won the Heineken Prize.

“A Canadian Life on the European Stage.” Roundabout Magazine, October 2006.
Profile of Canadian comic baritone Jimmy Hutchinson.

“Discovering Holland by Sea.” Expats Magazine, June/July/August 2005.
Seeing the former Zuider Zee on a traditional Dutch sailing vessel.